We do things different than the big internet companies. We like to make our customers happy, not frustrated and left out.
Stream, surf, game, read and play all you want, without data limits or slow downs.
Stream TV with online services such as Netflix, HULU, Amazon, YouTube, Sling and more.
Our low ping times make gaming and VOIP phone calls work without glitches or lag.
No calling some foreign call center where the people don't know you.
We can provide the speed you need to run all your favorite electronic devices.
Smart TVs to watch your favorite shows, on demand. Tablets to browse Facebook and keep up on social Media. Video Game systems to play against your friends, anywhere in the world. Cameras to watch your home while you're away.
No matter what the device, we can help get you online.
Areas we are considering for Fiber Internet service.
13000-14000 Harris Rd.
13000-14000 Baldwin Rd.
14500-16000 S. Fordney Rd.
Simple, no hidden extras pricing.